
Thursday, 9 October 2014

Automatically add a Checklist to MS Access

This YouTube playlist shows how to add a single checklist to your MS Access DB. There is a good description how the code works.

YouTube video here:-
Automatically add a Checklist to MS Access:

Leszynski's on line book shows how to add User Level Security

Years ago I was fortunate to stumble across this online book "Access 97 Expert Solutions" by Stan Leszynski, famous for the "Leszynski naming Convention" used by many MS Access Developers.

On this Page about halfway down you will find a section titled:- Setting Custom Properties Using Property Let and the code (A custom property) :-

Public Property Let prpFormMode(rstrMode As String) ' Purpose: Set the form mode when the form opens ' Arguments: rstrMode:=Form mode: Add/AddEdit/Browse/Edit ' Pseudocode: ' 1. Check the form mode argument for validity ' 2. Enable/disable buttons and features depending on argument ' 3. Set the custom property equal to the argument Code is HERE:- Listing 12.6 shows the Property Let function for the prpFormMode property. If you note the interesting line - under pseudocode (line 2) ' 2. Enable/disable buttons and features depending on argument This is exactly what you want if you need to provide user level security in your forms. You place the custom property in the top of your form and you use it in a similar way to a function, by calling it and passing in as a parameter a text string which describes the layout and use that you want the form to offer the user. Let's say your options were "Admin" or "Data Entry". The parameter is fed into a case statement, in the case statement you can hide, disable, enable, change combobox rowsources, run functions, set the controls default value, anything basically you want to do to make the form "appear as" and do whatever you wish.

Excel to Access (A)

In Microsoft Access you don't think about your data as being pages, you think about it as being a continuous list. The general way to extract data is to ask a question like "which part of this list do I want?" In your case you would say I want this "customer" where this date = X. You would ask this question with an SQL statement something like:- Select fld1, fld2 From tblMyTable Where Customer = "Fred" and myDate <> date A further requirement "If there are no results then I do not want to print the report." You would count the results returned by the above query and if the count was 0 then you would not create the report. You also want to ask the question, not for just one customer but for each customer. To achieve this you would use an SQL statement which gathers the customer names then you would put this record set into a record set loop and interrogate each record in turn. So your original question is now broken down into several elements the first element being:- "In your case you would say I want this "customer" where this date = X." Once you have achieved this you can then concentrate on solving the next element and once you have an understanding of all the elements you can draw it together to produce the result you want. Shared from Google Keep